Large village 20 km to the west of Budapest in the Zsámbéki basin. It is first mentioned in records in 1286, at that time it used to be the dwelling of the royal saddle makers. The Roman Catholic church was built in 1780 in Louis XVI. style as well as the Calvinist church, in which a rococo pulpit can be found. The construction of the Splényi castle was finished in 1825, its fence consisting of 350 barrels is from 1848. The community house is also from the last century, originally it used to be the bailiff's home. The Pince hill to the south of the village has a row of wine cellars from the last century. The museum of old automobiles and motors has a lot of precious exhibits. It can be visited all year round.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Páty
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Hungary - Páty

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