in Pácin:   Sight

Pácin is the pearl and cultural centre of Bodrogköz, its origin dates back to the age of the Árpáds. A village of 1,600 inhabitants right next to the Hungarian-Slovakian border, it has a border-station, too.

The Mágochy-Alaghy fortified castle is one of the most important late-Renaissance architectural relics of Hungary. It houses the Castle Museum of Bodrogköz, where visitors can walk on some parts of the ramparts and on the restored machicolated galleries enjoying the beautiful view of the romantic park forest surrounding the building. Those who are interested in fishing and bathing can visit Lake Karcsa and its surroundings.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Pácin
Pácin map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Pácin

Ungarn - Pácin

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