in Gyopárosfürdő, Orosháza:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

District in Orosháza, westward from the centre. Well-known medicinal bath with a village settlement since 250 years. In the forgeround of the watering place, a water surface of 30 cadastral yokes of the lake. Swimming pools and several thermal ponds have been constructed. All year round open spa. The lake as a famous meet of birds is a nature conservation area. Sights in Orosháza: evangelic church (1777), late Baroque, Darvas memorial place, Szántó Kovács Museum, Nagytatársánc, one of the greatest earthworks on the Hungarian plane.

Pictures of Gyopárosfürdő, Orosháza
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Orosháza (Gyopárosfürdő)

Hungary - Orosháza (Gyopárosfürdő)

Ungarn - Orosháza (Gyopárosfürdő)

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