in Öreglak:   Hotel

It is situated 18kms from Marcali in the direction of Balatonboglár-Kaposvár. Its owners were János Corvin, Ilona Zrínyi and the Jankovich family. The latter built the castle which is a children's home at present. Other sights of the village is the Roman Catholic church and the chapel of Naphegy. The road connecting the two churches runs through the Malom ditch on a two-holed bridge, which is a listed monument. The treasure of Öreglak, the large thermal water field, lies under the grove in the valley. It is to be developed. Sports hall suitable for international competitions and Castle cellar await visitors.

Lodgings in Öreglak:

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Öreglak
Öreglak map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Öreglak

Ungarn - Öreglak

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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 21:24:41