in Novaj:   Hotel - Wellness, Spa

Novaj is situated at the feet of the Bükk hills 9 km south-east of Eger, in the valley of two hills along the brook Novaj. The fauna of the neighbourhood includes the remains of turkey oak forests and meadows. A quarter of the neighbourhood is a forest with a large number of small game. The typical soil of the region is brown and forest soil, but you can also find sandy soil here. The plants here include the protected feather-grass or the adonis. Near the village several nests of bee-eaters are preserved by the Green-heart Group of Novaj (Novaji Zöldszíves Csoport). In the middle of the village you can find the brook Novaj, while in the south-west the village is bordered by the brook Ostoros.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Novaj
Novaj map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Novaj

Ungarn - Novaj

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