in Nemesvita:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service

It is 3 kms from Balatonederics by road 84, on the east slope of Keszthelyi mountain. The locals are very proud of the approach road, which is lined with poplars. The number of the population was 1166 in 1890, but decreased to 420 due to historical reasons. Nemesvita is in a wooded valley, its houses were built on the slopes of the hill. The ravines formed by the heavy rainfalls caused a lot of trouble to the village, so they had to build supporting walls. The winding sreets with houses one above the other give a unique and quite picturesque view of the village. Besides the mansions that were owned by the gentry and the folk houses with crest ornaments so typical of the village, the Catholic church is also worse visiting. It is of medieval origin but it was rebuilt in 1778 in late Baroque style. Those who prefer a walk in the hills should follow the green footpath sign starting from the church.Outstanding events of the village are the patronal festival on 20th August and the vintage procession on the first Saturday of September.

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Hungary - Nemesvita

Ungarn - Nemesvita

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