in Nagytevel:   Hotel - Sight

The village is situated 10 km from Pápa, in beautiful surroundings, at the foot of the Bakony hills, where the Pápai plain and Bakonyalja meet. It has nearly 550 inhabitants. A village of German nationality, where the locals still preserve their historical traditions. In the 18th century it was famous for its weaving industry. The Roman Catholic church was built in baroque style in 1770-1775 by the Cistercian order of Zirc. The 14 stations can be seen in its Calvary. The first or old school is a two-storey building today. It also houses a museum presenting the personal belongings of the peasants living in the village. On the ground floor of the school a minority house can also be found. The village hall, the local council and the nationality kindergarten are based in the same building. Near the border of the village the beach with camping facilities, which was established on the shore of the 35ha reservoir, is very popular. Next to the tourist house of the village a sports hall was built, which is excellent for training camps and other sports events. In 2006 a cinder base tennis court was built next to the sports ground. Outstanding events are the German Nationality Festival in August and the Village Day in June. A tourist route leads to Bakonybél from the village.

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Hungary - Nagytevel

Ungarn - Nagytevel

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