in Mosonszentmiklós:   Hotel

The village of 2,560 inhabitants is situated in the triangle between Győr, Mosonmagyaróvár and Csorna, 20 km from all of these towns. It was first mentioned in records in 1208. The present name of the village refers to the Mosoni-plain. It is proud of its church built on a hill in the middle of the village (18th century). Impressive sights are the 47m high tower and the two chapels next to it - on the right the Chapel of Holy Cross built in the 16th century, the other chapel on the left was built in 1929. This kind of situation of the church is unique in the country. There are two 'outside ' parts belonging to the village: Gyártelep and Mosonújhely. The village is a member of the St. Michael's Association, in the frame of which villages of the Carpathian basin bearing the same names cultivate cultural relations.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Mosonszentmiklós


Hungary - Mosonszentmiklós

Ungarn - Mosonszentmiklós

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