Town with almost 15,000 inhabitants in the valley between the Bakony and Vértes Mountains. The historical roots of the village goes back to the Celtic and Roman times. At the end of the 19th century the industry and the modern middle-class started to develop. Great son of the town - Sándor Wekerle - became the first prime minister of middle-class origin in Hungary at that time. Mór received the rank of a town in 1984 again. The large-scale wine production ceased, today smaller family wine cellars and tourist enterprises contribute to the reputation of the wines of Mór. Mór has more and more international connections. The Wine Museum and the old row of wine cellars represent local character. The former Lamberg mansion, one of the finest examples of secular Baroque architecture in Hungary, was designed by Jakab Fellner. Láncos-kastély (Chain Mansion), built in 1790 in the style of Louis XVI, was named after the chain enclosure. The Capuchin church and monastery were built in the 18th century, their furniture is of that age. Statue of Nepomuk Saint John in the parvis of the church. Mór is one of the most dynamically developing economic, commercial, health and cultural centres in Fejér county. Outstanding events: the Merry-making on Szent György's week (the last week of April), which awaits visitors with a wide range of cultural, gastronomic and viticultural programmes, the Summer Music Evenings (on Sundays evenings from June to August), concerts, performances of singers and groups await lovers of music and dance, the Mór Wine Days on the first weekend of October. It is an event of international reputation: every year it offers a wide range of tradition preserving, cultural, sport and entertaining programmes to the thousands of visitors for 3 days. The events of Márton's day on the second week of November. {logo=090145k3} It is the traditional series of events of the Germans of Mór with German-speaking and tradition-preserving programmes. A város határában a mecséri vadászterületen a VADEX Rt. a Magyarországon honos összes nagyvadat kínálja fel vendégei részére. Im Revierteil "Mecsér" der VADEX AG., am Rande der Stadt bieten wir unseren Gästen alle in Ungarn lebenden Grosswild an.In the hunting ground of Mecsér VADEX Co. offers for our visitors all species of big games living in Hungary.

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Hungary - Mór

Ungarn - Mór

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Wednesday, 26. March 2025. - 13:44:27