in Moha:  

Village with 462 inhabitants on the road no. 81, 10 kms from Székesfehérvár in Mór ditch. Finds from the neolithic and Bronze age were excavated in the surroundings. The village is famous for the mineral water contaning magnesium-hydrogen-carbonate, sodium and potassium. It has good effects on respiratory, digestive and catarrhal problems. The beneficial effects of the ancestor of the spring, which was called 'Áldókút' (Blessing well), had been known since 1374. Moha became the property of the Bajzáth family at the end of 18th century. The spring was opened first by them. Since 1869 Imre Kempelen had been the owner of the manor of the village. He made Vilmos Zsigmondy renovate the spring. The trade of the mineral water by the name of Ágnes started around 1880. A nice tradition in Moha is the so called 'tikverőzés' on Shrove Tuesday at the carnival time. The young dressed up in different costumes smear girls and young women with soot, which is said to have fertile effects. Visitors are welcome for the whole day entertainment.

Pictures of Moha
Moha map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Moha

Ungarn - Moha

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