in Mindszentkálla:   Hotel

The village of 320 inhabitants is built at the western edge of Káli Basin, at the foot of the steep Kopasz hill. Roman Catholic church of the village was built in neo-Classic style in 1828. Ruin of the mediaeval church of the village 'Kisfalud' up on the barren hillside above the church. In the last century Kisfalud was an independent village, by today it is built together with Mindszentkálla. A conical basaltic-tuff hill with barren sides called Kereki hill is located left to the road running to Köveskál. In olden times the houses of the village 'Kerekikál' were built around this hill however by today only the ruins of the church can be seen there. In Mindszentkálla the village day is held on the day of the Constitution. At the end of September a vintage procession is held. It is followed by a feast on the first Sunday of November.

Pictures of Mindszentkálla
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Hungary - Mindszentkálla

Ungarn - Mindszentkálla

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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 21:58:46