in Milota:   Hotel

A village of 977 inhabitants on the left bank of the river Tisza. According to a legend the name of the village refers to a Slavic girl called Melota, who lived in the neighbouring village called Vári and crossed the river every night to see his lover living in the village later called Milota. The settlement dates back to the age of Arpads, it was first mentioned in records in the 12th century. The Kölcsey family always played a dominant role in the history of the village as a landowner. István Nyilas of Milota, who was the court priest of Gábor Bethlen, the Transylvanian prince, was born here. The village is famous for its walnut trees, a type of walnut called Milota 10 (M10-with a paper shell) has been quoted at the London Stock Exchange since the 1910s. Near the village you can find a mine lake with pike perches, which is being developed at present.

Pictures of Milota
Milota map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Milota

Ungarn - Milota

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