in Miháld:   Hotel

A small village of nearly 1,000 inhabitants in the valley of the brook Dola, near Nagykanizsa. It has been inhabited for a long time, it was first mentioned in records in 1211. Its sights include the fishing lake rich in fish and the leisure park next to it, where camping facilities are provided. The neighbourhood of the village is a hunting paradise, too. Accommodation is offered to the lovers of hunting in the hunting lodge of the Hunting Association of Kiscser. The guest house run by the local government also provides accommodation fo visitors. An outstanding event of the village is the Virtus (derring-do) Festival held annually. The spectacular programme in July is organized by the Association for the Cultural Life of Miháld with the participation of the Association of Traditional Hungarian Martial Artists called Baranta. Apart from the festival it is also worth visiting the Village day at Whitsun and the patronal feast in September. Visit us, you are welcome in our village!

Miháld Községi Önkormányzat
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Hungary - Miháld

Ungarn - Miháld

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Thursday, 27. March 2025. - 12:14:28