in Márkó:   Travel Service - Business Travel

Village with 1,174 inhabitants 6 km north-west of Veszprém, by road 8, in the valley of the Séd brook. The first written mentioning was in 13th c. At the end of 15th c. it belonged to the monastery of Bakonybél, after the Turkish invasion - to the chapter of Veszprém. During the Turkish invasion it was completely destroyed and depopulated until 1740. The resettlement was mainly from the surrounding area but also from German-speaking regions, which is well illustrated by the German houses in Petőfi street. The baroque Roman Catholic church was built in 1754. The late neoclassical Calvary chapel is from 1839. The natural attractions are the protected yew grove of European fame on Miklós Pál hill south-west of the village, and Csatár hill is in the south-east. The important events are the village festival dedicated to St. Mark in April, the village day on the first Saturday-Sunday of August and the day of nationalities at the first weekend of September.

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Hungary - Márkó

Ungarn - Márkó

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