in Lovas:   Hotel - Travel Service

Small village with 320 inhabitants on Balaton Highland, in the neighbourhood of Alsóörs and Paloznak. Viniyards in the vicinity and nice park woods on the north await for the visitors wishing to take excursions. A prehistoric paint mine was uncovered by archeologists at a remote place on the fields of the village in 1951. Mining was performed there 75-80,000 years ago, almost 50,000 years earlier than the emergence of Lake Balaton so it is one of the most ancient paint mine of the history of mankind. Some red clay containing bauxite can be found in the mine today, too; it had been used for cultic purposes and everyday decoration. Dominant buildings of the village scenery are the two churches with one tower each, built in the centre. The Roman Catholic church is of mediaeval origin while the Calvinist church was built in 1910 with Art Nouveau entrance decoration. Nicely renovated folk monument houses in Malomvölgyi street opening between the two churches. Green and yellow tourist signs starting from the centre lead the visitors to the wildly romantic Malom valley and to the spring of Király-kút valley.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Lovas
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Hungary - Lovas

Ungarn - Lovas

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