A village of 2,500 inhabitants in the southern part of the region between the Danube and the river Tisza, 10 km from Kiskunhalas. It is famous for its lake bath with pleasant, naturally clean water and the resort built next to the lake including 800 villas. The lake lies in beautiful environment, the mud of the lake is rich in mineral salts, which has a significant medicinal effect. The region is ideal for hunting and fishing. A rare plant species can be found in the forest west of the resort, which is called moonwort of Virginia (Bortrychium virginianum). This plant is unique in Central Europe. The lake and the series of programmes called 'Summer in Kunfehértó' attract many visitors to the village. Cultural programmes from June to the end of August: exhibitions, pop music concerts, performances of folk groups, sports and leisure time programmes and most important of all the Beer Festival held at the second weekend of July.

Lodgings in Kunfehértó:

Pictures of Kunfehértó
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Hungary - Kunfehértó

Ungarn - Kunfehértó

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 07:36:34