in Kömlőd:  

The village of 1,100 inhabitants is situated at the foot of the hills of Tata. It was probably inhabited as early as the period of the Hungarian conquest shown by the Hunnish guard hill near the border of the village. The name of the village has changed several times since it was first mentioned in records in the 1300s. It probably originates from the Hungarian word 'kémlelő' meaning a watcher, referring to the fact that the surrounding hills provided good observation posts. During its history it was the property of noblemen for a long time, later it belonged to the castle of Gesztes. Polymath and poet Ádám Pálóczi Horváth was born in the village on 11 May 1760. His books of songs and collections of folk songs are well-known all over the country. Poet and playwright Károly Obernyik, who was the pioneer of the Hungarian social drama, was born here on 22 October 1814. Their memories are preserved by their houses of birth as well as by plaques on the wall of the presbitery. The Lutheran priest, Ferenc Czibor, writer Gedeon Deáky, naive drawer István Somogyi also lived here. Miklós Konkoly Thege, the world-famous astronomer carried out his scientific research in Kömlőd.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Kömlőd
Kömlőd map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Kömlőd

Ungarn - Kömlőd

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