in Kenderes:   Hotel - Sight

Village of 5,300 inhabitants by road No. 4 in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The past of the village goes back to the 9th c. when the Hungarians settled in this land. The first source where it was mentioned is from 1352. From the 1650s it was inhabited by the lower gentry wedged in the bigger Cumanian villages. From the middle of 19th c. it became the estate of Hódosy and Borbély families and later it belonged to Horthy and Magyari-Kossa families. In 1993 the mortal remains of the late governor were brought home from Portugal and were placed in the family crypt of Kenderes. The former Horthy mansion houses a secondary school today. The village offers accommodation in the Baroque mansion, where rooms can be booked all year round (for minimum 8 people), reservation in advance is necessary. The large village was given the rank of town on 1 July 2004. For further information about the places of interest in the village call the guide at: Tel.: 06-30/455-3485.

Pictures of Kenderes
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Hungary - Kenderes

Ungarn - Kenderes

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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 22:45:21