in Kápolnásnyék:   Hotel - Sight

Kápolnásnyék is situated at the end of Lake Velencei, at the foot of Velencei-hills, it can be called the gate of Lake Velencei from Budapest. Its present territory was inhabited as early as the late Bronze age. Fragments of the Hungarian tribe Nyék settled down in the territory of the village. It was first mentioned in a document by King Béla III in 1193, in which he donated some land to the Trinitarians of Fehérvár in the territory of Gnec (Nyék). Mihály Vörösmarty, the poet of the famous Hungarian poem, Szózat was born here on 1 December 1800. He lived and studied in Nyék until he was 11. In the 30s of the century the village became the third richest village of the Fehérvár district, and developed into the commercial and service background of the region due to the development of tourism at Lake Velencei. The present and future of the village are determined by tourism, apart from agriculture. It has become the commercial and service background village of Lake Velencei again. Plenty of shops and services are available for visitors. The houses and the gardens have become well-kept, where accommodation is offered, too, this way the inhabitants are also involved in the tourism of Lake Velencei. The local council also aims to develop tourism actively by supporting environment-friendly developments in the village.
The memory of the son of the village, poet Mihály Vörösmarty is preserved by the community of the village. The 200th anniversary of his birth was worthily celebrated in 2000. A statue of the poet was erected on 29 September 2000, in the square named after him. The reconstruction of the Vörösmarty Memorial Museum was supported by the local council. In the land-steward's house, where the poet lived in his childhood, a new exhibition presents the life and career of the poet of Szózat. In the village you can find an Exhibition of Local History presenting the history of the village, and you can also visit an exhibition on Lake Velencei, which introduces the wildlife and the fishing traditions of the lake. In the courtyard you can find a blacksmith's museum, where a blacksmith's show is held every summer. An exhibiton of beautiful minerals can be seen in Fő street in summer, too. This exhibition also presents the mining history, tools and minerals of the Velencei hills, as well as ancient fossils of Hungary. Visitors can enjoy the nice village centre with the park outside the Local Council and the HK Supermarket. The old parts of the village are also worth visiting. The village awaits tourists visiting the village and Lake Velencei and offers its services to those who wish to relax here.

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Hungary - Kápolnásnyék

Ungarn - Kápolnásnyék

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