Town with 18,000 inhabitants at the southern edge of the Solt plain. Kalocsa was made the seat of an archdiocese here in 1009. Its first archbishop was Bishop Asztrik, who brought the crown to the king from the pope. The Archbishop´s Palace was built on the place of the former castle in baroque style from 1760 to 1766. There are also 56 codices and 508 incunabula among the 100,000 items of the library housed here. The former cathedral was demolished during the invasion of the Mongols, its existing baroque shape was given from 1735 to 1754. In the Károly Viski Museum exhibitions on local costumes and way of living, and interesting items of mineralogy and numismatics can be seen. Kalocsa is the centre of Hungarian red paprika production and processing. The history of paprika production is shown in the Paprika Museum. Remarkable programmes of the town are the Blue Bird Festival (between June 8 and 10) and the Paprika Days (on 22 September).

Pictures of Kalocsa
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Hungary - Kalocsa

Ungarn - Kalocsa

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 07:16:46