in Jászjákóhalma:   Sight

This settlement is to the east of Jászberény, in the middle of the Zagyva-basin, by road 31, and has a population of 3006. It is considered to be the most typical Jász settlement because of its sructure and gardens. The Roman Catholic church has Gothic elements from 15th c., but it was reconstructed in 1778 in Baroque style. There is a more than 200-year-old statue of the Grieving Christ standing in front of the church. We can find three other statues. The statue of St. John of Nepomuk from the beginning of the 20th century is at the bridge of Tarna, the statue of St. Wendelin from the same time is close to the cemetery and the Rococo statue of Mary is much older, from 1761, is by the old school. The village is even richer in plaques. The most important is the memorial plaque of the 1848-49 war of independence, from which every year on 3rd of April a historical horse procession starts to Vác, to commemorate the glorious spring campaign. The Horvát Péter Local History Collection shows the rich history of the village. Péter Horvát was the first historian to write about the Jász people. The dead channel of the Tarna is favoured for excursions and fishing.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Jászjákóhalma
Jászjákóhalma map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Jászjákóhalma

Ungarn - Jászjákóhalma

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