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According to the legend, Attila, the Hunnish king was buried in the river Zagyva. The legendary horn of Lehel was found in this territory, too. Lehel was a Hungarian chieftain, who killed emperor Conrad with his horn, which symbolizes the unity of the inhabitants of the region. Several relics from the age of the Hungarian conquest were found here including the old Hungarian tarsoly (bag) cover plate presenting a world tree, which is considered to be the most beautiful goldsmith's work of the period.

Near Jászberény a Celtic burial place from the Iron age was found by archaeologists. The findings including the drinking-horn decorated with a bronze dragon's head or swords and spears decorated with engraved tendrils have become famous all over Europe.

In this almost perfectly flat county you can find other attractions apart from the relics of the heroic past. The Museum of the History of Hungarian Flying in Szolnok is the only exhibition of planes in Hungary presenting both military and civil planes.

In Szolnok you can find the oldest railway station of Hungary, the neoclassical Indóház (railway station). In the Open-air Museum of Water Conservancy you can see equipment and machines including a 19th century sluice and a pumping station.

In several towns of the county the traditions of folk pottery are preserved. Potter Sándor Kántor made the town of Karcag well-known abroad by winning prizes with his ceramics at the world exhibition of Brussels. In Tiszafüred, in the Gáspár Nyúzó Museum of Pottery the former tools of the craft are presented, but several potters and applied folk artists are still working in the small town on the bank of the river Tisza.

11 windmills used to work in Karcag in the past, only one of them, called Barna mill, has been preserved by now. The last representative of the inns of Hortobágy is the Meggyes inn in Tiszafüred evoking the atmosphere of the end of the 19th century. The town has converted the building into an inn museum.

Several botanical gardens have been established in the territory. In the 19ha garden of Tiszaigar you can see rare plants such as mammoth trees, bald-cypresses, lily trees, American sweetgums and pomegranate trees, the botanical garden of Tiszakürt presents the natural characteristics of the region of the Tisza with roburs, ash-trees and maple trees.

In Törökszentmiklós, in the riding school belonging to the Almásy mansion you can see one of the most famous thoroughbred studfarms of Hungary.

The Zoo of Jászberény presents the animals living in Hungary.

In the north the county is bordered by Lake Tisza, with villages and towns on the lake shore including Abádszalók, which is a paradise for bathers, fishermen and the lovers of water sports, as well.

The county has a significant amount of thermal water, Berekfürdő and Cserkeszőlő have become famous for their thermal water with a high mineral content.

in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county:

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye

Hungary - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county

Ungarn - Komitat Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok

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