in Horpács:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

Horpács is one of the smallest settlements of county Nógrád. It is a small village at the feet of the Börzsöny hills, 65 km from Budapest. Despite its size, it has significant values. Its main attraction is the Mikszáth mansion in the village centre, which houses an exhibition presenting the career of the famous writer. In the village you can find the tomb of Iván Nagy, who lived here for two decades working as the judge of the village for three years. In the graveyard you can find Pál Szontágh's tomb, too, who had a mansion named after him. The Roman Catholic church, which was built in 1744 in Gothic style, is also worth visiting. The completely renewed Village House with an e-Magyarország spot was officially opened on the 6th Village Day in 2004. The tourist hotel is open all the year round awaiting visitors. In the village you can find the seat of the Kálmán Mikszáth Society and that of Mikszáth Publishing Company.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Horpács
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