Town with almost 5,000 inhabitants, near Keszthely, it is the best known medicinal bath in Hungary, with important tourism. The thermal lake with a surface of 44,400 m2 is the second largest lake with peat bottom in the world. The medicinal water gushes out from a 38 m deep spring crater, its average temperature in summer is 33-35 °C, but in winter it is not less than 23 °C, so one can bathe outside all year round. The water of the lake has a special curative effect on the different kinds of rheumatic, locomotor, muscle, and nervous system´s disorders and gynaecological problems. The cure in Hévíz is not only for rehabilitation but it also serves for prevention, relaxation and recreation. The therapeutic effect of the water that has sallied forth since several ten thousands of years, was known as early as the Roman times, however, the first public bath was built in commission of the owner Count György Festetics in 1795. By the landlord, edifices were constructed and a constant medical supervision provided. In 1800, 500 guests were registered in contemporary documents. Soon visitors from Austria and Germany came to Hévíz, too. The number of the visitors of the lake bath is more than 2 million a year today. In 2005 the reconstruction work of the Lake Bath of Hévíz was started. In the project to be finished by 2006, a light, spacious bath house will be built of glass and adapted for winter use. The new changing rooms will be placed on the shore of the medicinal lake. A new medical unit will be established with a water therapy section. New catering facilities and a wellness unit will be added to the present services. At the back of the lake a children´s zone will be built with a children´s pool and a playground. The reconstruction work is carried out in a way which does not disturb the running of the bath, the visitors can use all the services continuously. During the first phase of the work, the northern and the southern entrances of the bath are used. After the reconstruction work a new, impressive bath will await visitors with a wider range of services and with a larger winter capacity. In major hotels, almost any kinds of therapy are available. The lake and its environs with a park and an alder wood is a nature conservation area. The Roman Catholic chapel in Egregy district was built in the 13th century, it is a listed monument. In Hévíz besides the full range of medical services there is a great variety of cultural programmes: e.g. the vintage festival in Egregy in each year. It is the most popular programme among visitors. In 1998 Hévíz was awarded a silver medal in the "For Flowery Europe" competition. Library, cinema, gallery, museum of regional history await visitors in the town. The folk art works of potter István Barakonyi and bow maker István Szimeiszter can also be seen here. A new sight in the part of the town called Egregy is the villa from the early imperical period, the restoration of which started in 2001 and which is open to the public from September 2004. The art groups of the town are famous: the Musica Antiqua old music ensemble, Hévíz Dance Studio and the Town Brass Band. The new church, the impressive Town Hall, the sport centre and the new shopping mall are worth visiting.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Hévíz
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Hungary - Hévíz

Ungarn - Hévíz

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