in Gyulakeszi:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

The village has an ideal location: 9 kms from Lake Balaton at the western foot of Csobánc hill. It is famous for its underground Cave Lake, which has been opened for medical purposes but boating is also possible. It is almost contiguous to Tapolca. The closeness of Balaton, Tapolca, Badacsony, Káli basin and Szent György hill has good effects on the tourism of the village. Several beautiful private houses await guests on the road to Badacsony. Visitors can choose from the offers of several restaurants. Climbing up to Csobánc castle is recommended for everybody. There is a realm of gliders on the hilltop. It is worth coming down from the top along the road to Zánka. The geological formation of Kőmagas, which is often called stone sea, can be found here. Gyulakeszi and its vicinity is a nature reservation area, part of the Balaton Highlands National Park. One of the centres of riding tourism can be found on its confines. The village is often visited during the programme series of the 'Valley of Arts'. An e-Magyarország spot is available in the library, in the local council hall.
Outstanding events organized by the village: a programme called Gyepűtiprás evoking old traditions in March, the Village day in June, Gyulaffy Days in August, Vintage procession and a Ball in September.

Sights in Gyulakeszi:

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Gyulakeszi
Gyulakeszi map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Gyulakeszi

Ungarn - Gyulakeszi

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Thursday, 27. March 2025. - 23:41:31