in Győrtelek:   Hotel - Sight

The larger part of the former village on the left side of the river Szamos and the church were washed away by the river at the beginning of the 19th century. Although the village with 1,716 inhabitans has been reconstructed the relics of folk architecture, the houses with veranda can still be seen. It was recorded by the name of Gyerthelek in 1477. Its meaning: the property of a person called György. The Calvinist church of the village is neo-Classical, closed with a semicircular arch. The Calvinist wooden church from 1731 was rebuilt in 1781, the present church is built of brick in 1822. The wooden tower from 1765 was exchanged for the present Eclectic, frontal tower. The former Csizmadia mansion has been a listed monument since 1990. An outstanding example of the natural values in the village is the 300-year-old white willow on the western part of the village.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Győrtelek
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Hungary - Győrtelek

Ungarn - Győrtelek

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