in Fülesd:   Hotel - Sight - Business Travel

The village is situated on the Szatmári plain, about 95 km east of Nyíregyháza. It was first mentioned under the name Filesd in 1181, in a document from Cégény-Monostor listing the properties in the region. Its name probably referred to agricultural land at that time. The name originates from a personal name Füles or Files. Fülesd was owned by the Kölcsey family until the end of the 15th century, later it had other noble family owners. In 1696 it was connected to the castle of Szatmár, but the Kölcsey family regained it at the end of the 18th century. The Calvinist church of the village was built between 1829 and 1850. It is an oriented, late baroque church with a folk romantic tower. Its planked ceiling was made in 1850. It was rebuilt first after 1882, then in 1937-38 and in 1957.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Fülesd
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Hungary - Fülesd

Ungarn - Fülesd

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