in Fertőszentmiklós:   Travel Service

A large village with 3,833 inhabitants 25 km east of Sopron, along national highway No. 85. The Baroque Roman Catholic church was built in 1725. Other Baroque monuments of sculpture include the Pietá (1646) and the statue of Virgin Mary standing on the bank of brook Ikva. Fertőszentmiklós is a national place of pilgrimage, the parish fiest of Szered is held on third weekend of September. An airport with a permanent frontier guard and customs personnel and asphalt runway for small aircrafts can be found in the village. The Bronze statues made by Béla Domonkos, sculptor from Érd, - Sándor Petőfi's lifesize statue, Pál Felsőbükki Nagy 's (the son of Fertőszentmiklós) bust in the park of the primary school and Saint Stephen's bust at the church - were unveiled in the year of the Millennium.

Pictures of Fertőszentmiklós


Hungary - Fertőszentmiklós

Ungarn - Fertőszentmiklós

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