in Dudar:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

Dudar (with 1804 inhabitants) is situated in the corner of North Bakony, 7 kms from Zirc. It was first mentioned in documents in the age of King Andrew by the name of Possessio Dudar belonging to Csókakő castle. Its Calvinist church was rebuilt in the 18th century. Other sights: the memorial of World War I, the Heraldic stone and a work of art by Károly Poda entitled Manifestation. Owing to its natural beauties, the hilly-downy ranges of the Bakony, it is one of the most beautiful settlements of the country. Its central location and the closeness of forests makes it ideal for hiking. Nearby sights: Csesznek castle, Roman bath, Ördögárok (Devil's ditch)

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Hungary - Dudar

Ungarn - Dudar

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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 19:44:52