in Deszk:  

Large village with 3180 inhabitants 9 km to the south-east from Szeged, on road no. 43, 1 km from the river Maros. It was first mentioned in records in 1490. Its name originates from a personal name, perhaps it is the old Hungarian nickname of Desiderius. It was depopulated under the Turkish rule. In 1746 Serbian border guards - after they had finished their service - , settled here. During the battle of Szőreg, on 5 August 1849, the village was totally burnt, but soon it was rebuilt. The Roman Catholic church was built in 1904, in neo-Gothic style. It is worth seeing the Eclectic iconostas in the Classicist Greek-orthodox Serb church from 1859. The Gerlóczy castle was built in 1884 in Classicist stlye, at present it houses a speciel hospital for thoracic disorders. There are peduncular oaktrees of extraordinary size in its 9-hectare park. Sculptures by Imre Varga, Károly Vas and Ferenc Kovács can be seen near the pond and the cave. The school from 1929 is also worth mentioning. The characteristics of the Transylvanian architectural school of Károly Kós can be studied on it. In the Village House there are - among others - a theatre hall with 200 seats and craftsmen's workshops. Those who want to relax can go angling, cycling, riding and driving a coach or enjoy the facilities of the Sport Hall. There is also an opportunity of hunting.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Deszk (Deszki Településüzemeltetési Kht.)
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Hungary - Deszk

Ungarn - Deszk

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