in Bezenye:   Sight

The village of 1,600 inhabitants is accessible on road No. 1 or on motorway M1 towards Mosonmagyaróvár and then on road 150.
The Hungarian, Croatian and German names of the village - Bezenye, Bizonja, Palesdorf - refer not only to the nationality of the inhabitants but also to the historical past. After the Hungarian conquest Pecheneg people were settled here to protect the border-land. Later the Hungarian village was destroyed by the Turks and Croatian people who wanted to escape from the Turkish rule in Dalmatia found shelter here. In the 18th century German settlers arrived in the village. This way the village became multi-national.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Bezenye
Bezenye map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Bezenye

Ungarn - Bezenye

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