in Baracs:   Hotel - Business Travel

Village with 3400 residents between Dunaújváros and Dunaföldvár. It has been a built-up area since the ancient times. There's a soil-castle on the border fields of the village, called Annamatia, which is rich of antique troves. The ruins of the really important village from the Árpád times were excavated in the recent past. It's first officially mentioned name, the ancient Hungarian Borocs came from the personal name Baracs. It's Roman Catholic church was built in 1860. The roadside inn was built on the site of a former Roman settlement which had existed there 2000 years ago. There's a gymnasium, a theatre and a library inside of the Village Building, which is also good for cultural and sport programs.

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Hungary - Baracs

Ungarn - Baracs

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