in Baktalórántháza:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Business Travel

Town with 3,857 residents 27 km east of Nyíregyháza on road 41. Parts of the Roman Catholic church are late Romanesque with a Renaissance entrance and Baroque tower. In the town you can see the only Reformed church in the country which has its tower in the middle. In the park of the former Dégenfeld mansion there are some tree rarities. The mansion is now a listed monument. The bath with cold and hot water is a pleasant place for recreation. The 340 hectare forest of the village is a protected area, as two kinds of oak-forests could survive here more or less unharmed, both characteristic of the sandy soil of the region. One is the oak with hornbeam, the other is the oak with lily of the valley. Those species that require peace and tranquillity like this place. A 15 km long path of gymnastics in the wood awaits those who enjoy doing sports in nature.

Pictures of Baktalórántháza


Hungary - Baktalórántháza

Ungarn - Baktalórántháza

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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 20:36:30