in Apátistvánfalva:   Hotel

The village of Slovenian nationality is situated 7 km from Szentgotthárd at the so-called 'Triple-border', 3 km from the Slovenian border at Kétvölgy, 10 km from the border station of Rábafüzes. The structure of the settlement is unique with scattered buildings. The houses are on hills separated from each other and surrounded by fields and meadows.The village is part of the Őrség National Park, with rare fauna and flora in Europe. The village is rich in folk traditions including log pulling or cleaning pumpkin seeds. The APÁT Hotel and Guest-house, which is situated in a 7ha forest, offers various kinds of accommodation from cheap rooms to elegant ones, with full board on request.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Apátistvánfalva


Hungary - Apátistvánfalva

Ungarn - Apátistvánfalva

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Thursday, 27. March 2025. - 01:10:55