in Ágasegyháza:   Sight

The village of 1,940 inhabitants is situated in the centre of the region between the Danube and the Tisza, in the sandy territory of Kiskunság. The name of the village is a compound word, the second part of which is ”egyház” meaning the house of God, the church, while the first part ”Ágas” refers to its mediaeval church built with props, roof purlins. (as there was not enough stone available, the church was built using wooden or wicker structures plastered with mud and decorated with props in the age of Árpád). The history of the village dates back to the Cuman period of the age of Árpád. The Roman Catholic House of Prayer was built in 1924 and it was built into a church later. The Calvinist congregation built a house of prayer in 1938. Ágasegyháza became an independent village on 22 February 1952. In the first half of the 20th century it was one of the most densely populated puszta territories of Kecskemét. It has a village house and a library with 9,000 volumes. The local council has established an information centre based on 16 computers it has won by competition. The folk songs of the village are very famous even in Budapest. The local traditions have been preserved for three years by the Boróka Folk Choir and the Zither Group. Every year in autumn a village day is held with a vintage ball.

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Hungary - Ágasegyháza

Ungarn - Ágasegyháza

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