in I. kerület, BUDAPEST:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Hadtörténeti Intézet
és Múzeum


Discounts for children: 6 Years and Under

Discounts for students: 750 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 750 HUF

Entrance fee: 1500 HUF

Other information:

Guidance in Hungarian, English, German languages.
Exhibitions open all the year round.
- "The Sword and the Wreath" (Military symbols of a millennium)
- Exhibition called 'Fényesebb a láncnál a kard' ("The sword is brighter than the chain" by Sándor Petőfi) in commemoration of the revolution and the war of independence of 1848-49.
- Collections back at home (A selection of the most interesting exhibits of the Hungarian Aero Museum of Canada, the Museum of the Hungarian Royal Armed Forces, the Ludovika Museum of Germany and of private collections.)
- "I'm a hunter up in the Carpathian Mountains ..." (An exhibition held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the organization of mountain troops at the Hungarian Royal Army between 1939 and 1945)
- The military history of Hungary 1918-1948 (to be opened on 6 May 2005). "For the nice homeland, for the grey king..." (Chamber exhibition of World War I).

Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - BUDAPEST (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - Hungary - BUDAPEST (Sight: Museum)

Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - Ungarn - BUDAPEST (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Tuesday, 4. March 2025. - 08:54:54