in Jósvafő:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service - Business Travel

Fürkész Tanösvény (ANPI)

Address: 3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem Szálló parkolója
Phone: +36 (48) 506-000 P/F: +36 (48) 506-001


Other information:

The trail offers a two-hour long tour with boards at the stations encouraging hikers to fulfil playful tasks. It is especially recommended for families and children, as by fulfilling the tasks based on the careful observation of nature, they can learn a lot about natural scinces without noticing it.

Fürkész Tanösvény (ANPI) - Jósvafő (Látnivaló: Nemzeti park)

Fürkész Tanösvény (ANPI) - Hungary - Jósvafő (Sight: National Park)

Fürkész Tanösvény (ANPI) - Ungarn - Jósvafő (Sehenswürdigkeit: Nationalpark)

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Tuesday, 4. March 2025. - 23:14:51