Budai út
 in Cegléd:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Duo Galéria

Address: 2700 Cegléd, Szabadság tér 8., I. em.
Email: info@amfiteatar.com
Web: www.duogaleria.hu
Phone: +36 (30) 948-8776, +36 (53) 314-720


Opening hours during the season: H:-P: 09-18h, Szo: 09-13h, V: időnként

Other information:

Chamber exhibitions.
Works of art can be purchased.
Open-air crafts days, youth drawing competitions, auctions, works of old and contemporary fine and applied arts, valuation, consultancy.

Duo Galéria - Cegléd (Látnivaló: Galéria)

Duo Galéria - Hungary - Cegléd (Sight: Gallery)

Duo Galéria - Ungarn - Cegléd (Sehenswürdigkeit: Galerie)

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
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Sunday, 22. December 2024. - 04:13:42